I've been thinking lately, you know, the whole 'what's not serving us' and 'what can we let go of' schema. In the midst of that, I've also just been hanging and Facebooking. Thus, in the spirit of discernment, I'd like to offer my community and anyone else who might benefit from it some advice on relinquishment, or at least, like a lenten time abstinence.
Three come to mind - to wit:
FIRST: It's ok to use FB to tell your story, even to market and build your brand... but, your face is not your brand, it's your face... uploading 4 to 6 out of 10 photos to your page that are the contrived "I hold my iphone at arm's length and smile up at it, all Hitchcocky, aren't I sassy?!" is simply vanity!!
Really, attractive or not, if your hoping to brand your yoga, rely on more than your purty face and zany looks that you wrap around your stories... just a thought.
NEXT: OM, maybe you're an AUMer, maybe an Ong Namo-kinda yogi, but OM, let's call it that. Can we let it be OM, and not have it be an 'infix'? An infix is like when you put 'fucking' in the middle of 'incredible' and make the word 'in-fucking-credible'... not a prefix, not a suffix, an infix.
So, stop just slapping OM into 'community,' 'Home,' 'Amazing,' 'Mom' or wherever you find a chance to capitalize the O and M diphthong! Really, let it be and if something is amazing, let it be amazing, for that is a fine word as well.
FINALLY: There's this poor bloke - Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī - can we give the guy a rest?? If you don't know who that is, then it's even more tragic, because he's the oft-most and most-misquoted choice of our community.
Poor Rumi, can we just let him rest in peace, and not contrive another Rumi-Hallmark-ized quote, each and everyday?? Yes, his work and his vision is beautiful and poignant, and yet so are so many others who you've never investigated, so branch out and let Rumi ruminate, and not always be your 'go-to' pontificater!
In honor of the fact I want this light-hearted and because I know I am indeed offering bittersweet food for thought, and not looking to inflame or argue, take it for what it's worth, and I'll sign off before I even go there with the Cat posting... even a blind man can tell when a cyclone is coming!!
Give thanks and praise, just keep your camera faced away, keep OM for OM, and read Rumi, don't quote him!