Today, finally, after a long season, our days and nights meet in parity. And, for all of the forthcoming days, day will win over night as we see more and more sun.
Here in ATX, most everyone I know was up late last night - or early this morning, depending on which side of the clock you choose - due to an enormous thunderstorm that swept through. It was house-shaking, roof-rippling, earth-washing natural drama and excitement at it's best. And, it felt like something was happening, like really happening.
For me, I liken it to a strong shaking off of the 'dead of winter'... a sloughing off of what hasn't worked, was has been stalled. With Mercury just coming out of retrograde, a lot has felt tense, bound up, incomplete. Last night and the tempest that arrived seemed like a release; a mighty release.
Winter is a the season of deep reckoning. We look at what we endeavored for in the prior year; we take up the fruits of the labors that came to bounty, but we're left looking also at the dried husks and dead stalks of what didn't bear, what didn't blossom - of seeds planted and nurtured, but with no outcome.
It's time to let that go, to separate the chaff and to rid ourselves of whatever we're hanging on to. No point in holding onto the by-product, the cast off, the over-burden. We need to seek the new growth.
Not angrily, but with some understanding that no effort is wasted. Even that which is discarded after the harvest becomes the fertile soil for next year's planting. And that is where we are at, now, on this day.
"Behold, my friends, the Spring has come; the Earth has gladly received the embraces of the Sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!"
Sitting Bull

Tend, and let go; reap and harvest, but also let some lay fallow and let that which should pass to decompose. From that, build strong roots and reach high.
Spring is upon us; the energetic shift has announced itself. Whether you reckon it as the Equinox, or the longer days; as Ostara (the predecessor to Easter) or Alban Eiler (the Light of the Shining Earth), celebrate this time of transition!
Let the season change, let the cycle spin, let the circle be unbroken.
Give thanks and praise!