I love the solar and lunar cycles - I celebrate the 'eight-spokes' of the wheel year, where the solar equinoxes and solstices, as well as the quarter days are to be celebrated. But, that cycle also takes into account the moon and it's complementary, yet unique cyclical relationship. Irrespective, it gives one a lot to celebrate and time to honor. Time to set aside experience from daily observance, and to mark moments as ritual.
So, adding some 'gravitas' - that's interesting. In Sanskrit, the planets are known as 'grahas', or points of attraction. The 'gravity' that draws us in, that effects us. We also find 'graha' in 'aparigraha' - often translated as 'non-attachment'. I would give it this - 'a' is the Sanskrit negator, like we say 'asexual' to mean 'non'. 'Pari' is like 'perimeter', or at the edge of, or around. 'Graha' is the planet. So, a translation of 'aparigraha' might be 'don't circle like the moon, a helpless satellite, forever orbiting the earth due to it's gravitational draw'; escape the pull!
But, I digress. It's the blue moon, the Purnima - the night of the full moon that is treated auspiciously. We are past Lammas, but not yet to the equinox. We have seen the first tastes of the harvests... the fruit hangs on the tree, the grains grow on the stalks. Nirali Purnima, or we call it the Grain moon, or Red Moon, or Green Corn Moon, Lightning Moon, or Dog Moon. These are the Dog Days of Summer, with Sirius and Canis Major in full effect.
We say 'once in a blue moon' because it takes about 3 full years for it to occur. That's a long spell, almost a 1,000 days from cycle to cycle. A time for reflection beyond the simple seasonal... And, perhaps a time for ritual and observation.
It's been a great summer, and a heavy one. Doors have closed, windows have opened. Friends of gone, colleagues have emerged. Time has been spent both in the planting and tending, and now the harvest and the reaping. What will truly come from much remains out of sight, but it's been a good season.
This period leading to the fullness of the blue moon has felt really heavy, very gravid, very full of import, but not of motion. All potential, but very little kinetic. What presents as prepared is actually still ripening. It's a time to take time, to wait, to allow the full ripening, the full maturity. Then, will we enjoy the fruits of our labors.
In the meantime, today, tonight, early the next morning... turn your face to the sun, then to the moon. Thank each, for the projection and reflection, their fire and their coolness. Find space in each for gratitude... honor each, give more to that which you naturally tend away from, and come to your wholehearted fullness.
Reap what you've sown, give thanks and praise!