I've had a great July, lots of fun but also lots of building connections, looking for synergies and like-minded folks, establishing some new connections and just being open to what is happening.
It's been a wild ride, but I'm enjoying every bit of it. And, I'm being tested and challenged, stretched and grown; but isn't that the point? That's what I'm talking about when I teach, so I'm not immune to being taught those lessons as well.
Collaboration is hard - it's work. But its real work, as in it involves people and respect and communication and amicability and humility, discernment and resources, candor and optimism. My collaborator, Leeah, is from my Off the Mat, Into the World training, and one of the co-creators of not only the Austin Yoga Tribe, but also our nascent GaneshFest, which will be happening in the ATX, at Wanderlust Live, end of September. It's been great working with her and we have found a groove.
Here's what it's about - we share a vision, we share an agreement on 'means to an end'; we believe in self-responsibilty but also interdependence. We're both able to simply trust the other to run with what happens, rather than trying to control things or do a division of duties that is rigid. And, we communicate, a lot. Like, a new texting-plan, a lot.
Of course it doesn't hurt that we're both extroverts, who have been out there in the yoga community in ATX long enough to know a lot of folks - teachers, studios, students, vendors, supporters. So, we simply work on what we can, give a lot of updates, cheer each other one, lift each other up, straighten each other out, and get it done.
Being involved and in partnership is great - it's really rewarding. I've had a couple of good, long runs, where I was in charge. I've played that game, I don't need that role. I want to share, and to recognize where I'm limited and where I'm able to contribute. When you know what you can't do and admit it, then it's only reasonable to ask for help - when you can do something and it needs done, it's only logical to give help.
Everyone wins, we are all working together towards a shared goal that ennobles us all. So, I also need to give huge thanks and praise to all of the teachers, musicians and others who have contributed their time and skills and passion to collaborating with us.
Ultimately, it's about relationships - making them, building them, valuing them, maintaining them, and showing folks humor, courtesy and respect. We'll all need a helping hand or a skill we don't have - but we'll have friends and resources and collaborators to call on.
Asking for help - it's great and if you're authentic and not trying to take advantage, almost everyone I know likes giving help to great friends and worthy causes.How does that resonate with you - have your tried collaborating rather than falling for creating hierarchical structures?
If you have the latitude, let go of control and watch people give you their best!
Give thanks and praise!