coasting along, taking the ride, going with the flow, versus moving towards something, asking for more, seeking abundance and change.
The thought for today, as while I was teaching that was the riff that came to mind. I think we can see this idea in several forms.
Easiest perhaps, in the physical body; Prasarita Padottanasana, or wide-legged forward fold is an ideal example of this principle. You can think of the posture offering either expression.
As you forward fold at the hips, it's not uncommon for the weight - and the sitz bones - to move backwards, past the heels... then, it's common for folks to keep the weight in the heels, the arches not so active and the back of the legs long, but not stretching. No worries, often times this posture is a great low back release or neck traction or shoulder-opener, so the hamstrings don't have to be super engaged. Coasting a little bit as you focus on the breath.
If you are hanging there, and you move the energy forward, almost to the ball of the foot, almost to "somersault-asana", then the arches activate, the outside edges of the feet ground and the pelvic floor lifts, engaging the hamstrings and getting your attention. Coaxing a little more out of the pose.
That's the physical body - easy for me to see from the outside, and easy for the student to feel in the body, with just the most subtle suggestions and cues. But, how about in our energetic, emotional, psychological lives? What about all the richness that is us?
I'm sure you've seen that little diagram floating around on Facebook - there's one small circle in the bottom left with the words "Your Comfort Zone" in it, and then in the opposite top corner, a larger circle wherein it says "Where the Magic Happens!"
Don't you know it - isn't that the same argument? We can find ourselves settling, not making waves, and kind of just resigned to coasting, or take the risk, move forward, feel slightly unstable, and perhaps experience some greatness as we stretch and grow, in the moment.
Think on it - first in practice to embody it. What poses do you coast away, check out, or disassociate in? How can you engage and move forward and coax more out of it? Then, when that work makes sense, look at your life, your work, your relationships and ask the same...
Seek the growth, be compassionate, yet never fully contented... keep moving, stretching and growing and beware the tendency to kick back and wait!
And, give thanks and praise!