That's the rub. All of the great definitions of wonder make is so attractive, so pleasant. But wonder is to admire (to stare in the mirror), not to understand, but rather, to feel. Not to have knowledge of, but rather, to have experience of.
Too often, we're just driven to know the answer, and most of those answers are so petty... from the fundamentalist who simply won't think outside of the framework of what their dogma tells them, to the inquisitive mind that needs to know why things happen, good to bad, bad to good, or whatever combination.
We create myths, we create experiments, we seek the answers, as if the divine was in the gaps and if we could simply fill in all of the gaps, we'd be able to capture divinity. We are so sure there must be a reason, there must be a 'designer' or an process that we can outline every step of. No one can admit, we simply don't know. Yet, that may be the release.
I suggest, dwell in wonder. Dwell in awe, in delight, in merely seeing, in loving freely in the moment, stand before and be present and experience, smile, and watch miracles occur. Watch a flower bloom, watch a rainstorm come and go and dry up. Watch a puppy or a child grow. Sit and be and 'don't know' and feel how amazing and awe-inspiring it is to be present to mystery, to divinity and to wonder.
Turn on a light switch and be humbled - sure, you think you know how it works, you've got words like "bulb", "circuit", "switch", "current", etc. And, you have the idea, or do you? I don't know how a circuit works, only what it implies. I have no idea about electric currents and how they excite a filament. Someone told me shit, I feel smart now, so it is not miraculous to walk into a room and flip a switch and see light.... Except, IT IS!!
I mean, really - say you "don't know" and be okay with that. I don't know how things happen or why, I just watch them, watch myself, and try to move as subtly through the experience I can. I find ways to be in awe - I listen to experience, and share it without having to catalog, curate or create it.
So, consider that as a perspective. Given everything you know about humans, how do we not kill each other every time we drive or shop at malls?? Stand in wonder of it all.
Find wonder, be in awe, and dwell in it. Don't be so swift to need to know, smile and experience it. Slow it all way down and see what you feel. That's today's thought and practice - tomorrow, "Find Where You Shine".
Give thanks and praise - and share what's giving you wonder today!