Just wanted to stay in touch - I'm at Taliesin, in Spring Green, WI. This is one of Frank Lloyd Wright's greatest achievements, one of his homes and still a working school of architecture! It's beautiful, and bucolic and pastoral and super to just sit in this much great green nature...
The flipside, is that I'm right now, sitting on a ledge, crouched under an eave, and pirating the wireless from the grounds of Taliesin, because much to my amazement and chagrin, there is no AT&T cell phone service here! I mean none.
On top of that, there are only two hotels in the surrounding dells, and the one I'm at has wireless, in the lounge primarily, but I find it to be dial-up speed!
So, those are my first world problems! Just wanted to send a shout-out and let y'all know I'm not out to lunch permanently!
I'm delighted to be here, I'm participating in the inagural run of the Academy of Conscious Leadership. I'm here to facilitate MBSR - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, as well as Spiritual Intelligence, in order to offer skills and support for growing Conscious Leaders. It's really an honor and a privilege to be on the adjunct faculty, and I get to throw a little yoga in there as well.
It's necessary and important to share these techniques and skills with folks in the business of Conscious Capitalism. We're all under stress and we can all use some more time in reflection, discernment and self. And, mindful and purposeful organizations can serve purposes above and beyond 'maximizing shareholder wealth'.
Well, I just finished teaching yoga in a Barn named Aldebaran, and now I'm gonna grab some breakfast, and then get some people into their bodies, via their breath!
Thanks and praise, back at it and present on Friday - be well!