I'm honestly so bemused that I've become amused; akin to the Real Housewives of Anywhere, if you can disassociate from the actuality that these are real people, acting like this and playing out their trauma and idiocy for all the world on their stage... well, I mean, if you can, it's actually hysterical entertainment.
Let me be clear. Those women on Housewives are clearly acting out their drama, increasing it, referencing it and isolating themselves from reality or any kind of input that might topple their dysfunctional world. That's why I make the comparison. It's not a 'one-for-one', but I do find it just as pathetic on examination, or just as entertaining to a dulled or disengaged mind. And, I really don't ever interact or find myself in social settings with those kind of foks; I would say that's a fairly 'active' choice I make. If you don't share the values, you don't share space.
Check here for the latest communication from the Leadership committee and John's current internal enabler in his continued puppet regime. By the clear statements of members in the community who I trust to know, this guy's 'sabbatical and therapy' included hanging out at the beach with his girlfriend, and hasn't yielded any statement or conclusion from John that there is anything wrong, except this pesky business where he would like y'all to help appoint his chosen Ethics committee, so the can talk Shri and Metta and finally say, 'hey, it's ok, John's sorry' and have him just come back.
Remember bailing out the banks, then being righteously indignant that they all took bonuses and went to paid retreats and got massages. Just saying' (oh, and i've been told lately that "just saying" is a passive aggressive "I'm being an asshole here" statement, and I will not argue that in this case).
I suggest he's a really poor Leader or Teacher - not of asana, and maybe not of some quasi-version of D Brook's philosophy, but as a role model or leader or 'teacher', his choices, his answers and his actions are all so suspect.
The only remorse that we see from JF, from the outside looking in, is that this whole thing is holding him back from just doing what he wants, and he'll bide his time, because clearly he's got a deluded cadre who mean nothing more than to re-instate him right into the same business that he failed, both ethically and I'd say (as someone who ran a Fortune 500 business unit) in any manner of good business sense or brand management.
Folks - get it - John is the brand; not you!! And, he's showing exactly what he thinks of all of you who have paid him fees, spread his message and supported and enabled his poor choices.
If this recent round of communications isn't enough to cause serious introspection and discernment, then I might suggest you have failed yourselves, and your teachings.
It's really just so sad, and pathetic and isn't serving any community - Anusara, Yoga or Business.
John, it's time to move on... Teachers, it's time to move on. Does it suck you invested years and dollars into a structure that is now tainted by JF - sure. Life is like that. Stay in it and be identified by it, or move on.
Remember, it's Yoga - you don't need John's permission, credentials, words or brand to teach it. Take the greatest leap of your career and find your own voice, but first, find your own ethics! Your highest and best is to become the Teacher you can be, not the Teacher JF wants (and apparently needs) you to be.
It's right there in front of you - drop the brand, stop paying someone to act un-ethically, teach the yoga and move on. Endless compassion is co-dependent enabling.
Give thanks and praise for asana practice, and use it to discern what is best.