I mention it, because I really have a love for seeing, experiencing and helping to co-create an environment for personal introspection and transformation. It doesn't always happen, sure - but when even a brief moment of connection and intention happen, those are the moments that make me humbled by and in love with the practice and sharing it.
I also have the privilege of officiating a wedding this coming weekend, so I spent a lot of time yesterday in reflection, contemplation and preparation. No wonder I've got love on the mind! So, this is about my gratitude, and about the possibilities for expansion into love and connection. Whether it be communion with Self through the love of practice, or the communion with other through the practice of love, we each seek to be linked, to be connected and to be loved!
Allow me to be brief, but to share one of the readings I took in yesterday... I resonate with the "Privilege" and of course, with being in love... hope you enjoy and are able to love what you do, and do what you love...
Privileged Lovers
The moon has become a dancer
at this festival of love.
This dance of light,
This sacred blessing,
This divine love,
beckons us
to a world beyond
only lovers can see
with their eyes of fiery passion.
They are the chosen ones
who have surrendered.
Once they were particles of light
now they are the radiant sun.
They have left behind
the world of deceitful games.
They are the privileged lovers
who create a new world
with their eyes of fiery passion.
-Jalalud'din Rumi, 13th Century revered mystical poet