Not that you like it, not that it's easy; but, for your sake and everyone's sake, adapt, evolve, learn and move on! Move on, but how would I know - bookmark this!
What's it all about, you might ask? Well, Mercury in retrograde gets the blame for communication woes... in our modern life, that translates superficially to our ethereal communication. Like, your email or your phone or your laptop keeps crashing. It's suggested not to make large negotiations, sign contracts or leases.
We look at the impediments of communication primarily through devices and physical articles, but rarely sit back and think about "what am I 'saying' with my words, actions and deeds? What is the story my life is telling and is it worth the tale?"
Mercury or Hermes: he was, amongst other things, the winged messenger. The sassy wing-sandled deity that carried the messages of the Olympians to and fro. According to that wiki link, and popular convention, he is the patron god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence (and thus poetry), messages/communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves; he is also the guide of souls to the underworld.
Now, mythology uses memes and mores that we can identify with to inform our lives... perhaps, remove the emotion, story-telling and drama and recognize that it is simply information on direction and energetics. So are the lunar charts and tide tables; they tell of movement and cycle and action. The rest, that is the shit we add on - for excitement or importance, as a rationale or reason, in superstition or in personification of 'moving energy'.
When it comes to moving energy, I like to think of the asana practice in the yoga darshan as personal alchemy. That's not a novel thought. The ancient texts indicate that this was indeed a manifestation and intention. As a fan of this 'interpersonal alchemy,' I've done a little bit of research and collected some information which informs my perspective for the Teacher Training that I lead.
That perspective is known as RaSaYana!
Rasāyana - रसायन is a Sanskrit word, with this literal meaning: Path (āyana) of Essence (rasa).
It is a term that in early Ayurvedic medicine means “the science of lengthening lifespan”, and in later (post 8th-century) works sometimes refers to Indian Alchemy. The name of the science of Indian Alchemy, or proto-chemistry - or more specifically “the science of mercury" - is Rasaśāstra – रसशास्त्र.
The oldest Indian writings, the Vedas, contain the same hints of Alchemy that are found in evidence from ancient China: vague references to a connection between Gold and long life.
Mercury, which was so vital to alchemy everywhere, is first mentioned in the 4th- to 3rd-century-BC Artha-śāstra, about the same time it is encountered in China and in the West - Greece. Evidence of the idea of transmuting base metals to Gold appears in 2nd- to 5th-century-AD Buddhist texts, again at about the same time as in the West.
An 11th century Persian chemist and physician, named Abū Rayhān Bīrūnī reported:
"They have a science similar to alchemy which is quite peculiar to them. They call it Rasâyana, a word composed with rasa, i.e., Gold.
It means an art which is restricted to certain operations, drugs, and compound medicines, most of which are taken from plants. Its principles restore the health of those who were ill beyond hope, and give back youth to fading old age…”
Raseśvara, a school of Indian philosophy was focused on finding Moksha (perfection, immortality, and liberation) through the use of Mercury.
It focused its efforts on transmutation of the human body: from mortal to immortal. Many are the traditional stories of Alchemists still alive since time immemorial due to the effects of their experiments.

Here's some info, collected from a few sources; no need for me to rewrite what's been stated this well.
Hermetic Philosophy
In Hermeticism, the Supreme Deity is referred to variously as God, the All, or the One. The Absolute is the central focus of Hermeticism.
Hermeticism transcends both monotheism and polytheism, as well as deism and pantheism; therefore it is difficult to assign it a position among traditional theistic religions, or along the monotheistic–polytheistic spectrum. Its philosophy teaches that there is a transcendent God, or Absolute, in which we and the entire universe participate. It also subscribes to the idea that other beings, such as gods, angels and elementals, exist within the universe.
This actually jives fairly well with Hinduism, which operates on a framework of Brahman, or 'godhead', and then a variety of deities, demigods and avatars, as well as saints and such.
Hermeticism's Prisca Theologia
Hermeticists believe in a prisca theologia, the doctrine that a single, true theology exists, that it exists in all religions, and that it was given by godhead to man in antiquity. In order to demonstrate the truth of the prisca theologia doctrine, Christians appropriated the Hermetic teachings for their own purposes. "Thy will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven". Has a familiar ring to it.
"As above, so below"
These words circulate throughout occult and magical circles. They are recorded in Hermetic texts, although they can be shown to have originated in the Vedas. The actual text of that maxim, as translated by Dennis W. Hauck from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, is:
"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."

This principle, however, is more often used in the sense of the microcosm and the macrocosm. The microcosm is oneself, and the macrocosm is the universe. The macrocosm is as the microcosm and vice versa; within each lies the other, and through understanding one (usually the microcosm) a man may understand the other. I'll call that discernment.
The three parts of the wisdom of the universe, according to Hermetic Philosophy:
Alchemy (the operation of the sun - the 'Ha' in hatha):
Alchemy is not merely the changing of Lead into Gold. It is an investigation into the spiritual constitution - or life - of matter and material existence through an application of the mysteries of birth, death, and resurrection.
The various stages of chemical distillation and fermentation, among other processes, are aspects of these mysteries that, when applied, quicken nature's processes in order to bring a natural body to perfection. This perfection is the accomplishment of the magnum opus - Latin for 'Great Work'. Wouldn't that be living the 'examined life' as Socrates reminds us?
Astrology (the operation of the moon - the 'Tha' in hatha):
Hermes claims that Zoroaster discovered this part of the wisdom of the whole universe, astrology, and taught it to man. In Hermetic thought, it is likely that the movements of the planets have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of The All, or godhead.
Astrology has influences upon the Earth, but does not dictate our actions, and wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how to deal with them. Again, in line with information on energetics, not blessings or curses!
Theurgy (the operation of the stars - Jyotisha in Sanskrit):
There are two different types of magic, according to Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's Apology, completely opposite of each other. The first is γοητεια, Goëtia, black magic reliant upon an alliance with evil spirits (i.e. demons). The second is Theurgy, divine magic reliant upon an alliance with divine spirits (i.e. angels, archangels, gods). I like the quote from Arthur C Clarke, here - "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Theurgy translates to "The Science or Art of Divine Works" and is the practical aspect of the Hermetic art of Alchemy. Furthermore, Alchemy is seen as the "key" to Theurgy; the ultimate goal of which is to become united with higher counterparts, leading to the attainment of Divine Consciousness. Hmmm, again, i think we're talking yoga here.
Need one more example of the congruences in these traditions?! Read on.
Posthumous lives
Reincarnation is mentioned in Hermetic texts. Hermes Trismegistus (thrice-exalted) asked:
"O son, how many bodies have we to pass through, how many bands of demons, through how many series of repetitions and cycles of the stars, before we hasten to the One alone?"

Take this retrograde into your control, examine what occurs and be open to looking for undercurrents, trends, repetitions, lessons. Say what you need to say - don't curse your technology and assume the worst. Play with the energy, notice the currents, and, as practice what I've been convinced is the greatest Theurgy possible, and another acceptable definition of 'magic'... "the willful and skillful movement of energy from lower to higher forms".
That's where I'm coming from - if you're in the ATX, I'm doing a special class tonight where I'll be rapping and wrapping this in... and, I can neither confirm nor deny that there may be some Mercury of the Variety Known as Freddy in there!
Thanks and praise!