If you haven't ever experienced Sadie, you should, and it's easy - she's all over YouTube, Social Media, and she's got a TV show in the works. Of course, you may know her as a Rockstar; and so from one Rockstar to all of y'all in the constellations, she shines, she rocks, she's sunshine and stardust!
One of the things I most love and respect about Sadie is that she keeps it real, integrated, safe and a screaming good sweaty ole vinyasa flow at the same time. I'm inspired by this, it's my intention - all the good times of vinyasa, but with sustainability at the forefront, intention, not momentum; engagement before expression! She's studied long term with Leslie Kaminoff, another of my favorites, so her anatomy and explanation of the engagement of the deeper core muscles is excellent.
And, she breaks it down so wonderfully simply - press down, root, create foundation... then, move to activation and engagement of foundation into core... only then, move into expression in the asana.
Give it a try sometime... next time you're coming into Virabhadrasana (Warrior I) from down dog, exhale the knee towards the third eye, rounding the spine and engaging the core. Place the foot down at the base of the exhale, inhale and lengthen the back leg and lift the upper body away from the thigh, staying with hands down. Then, exhaling keep the alignment and foundation as you fully engage the core and support the sacrum and lumbar area. Then, use the integrated engaged core to lift the arms into the full expression.
Wow, I talk that stuff everyday, it's a little hard to write it, but easier to do it than read it!! Just give an extra breath in the low lunge, activate the core and elongate, and then rise up into expression! Root to rise. Works wonders in Bakasana, all arm balances, and if you ever wanna do handstand!
So, check it out , on line for some tips, and then in your practice - or come play this weekend. However much you can firm your foundation is how deep you can take the expression, consider it and give thanks and praise!