Anyway, I digress. i simply wanted to start the day on a nice tone and be appreciative, to give thanks and praise, to the teachings, and TKV Desikachar, and Krishnamacharya, the lineage of yoga I know and descend from. I give special thanks to Chase Bossart today and this weekend for being a student of Mr. Desikachar and for his joyful intention to share those teachings as directly and with as much integrity as possible, in respect to his teacher.
We talk a lot about lineage in our traditions. I will say it does feel important to me to know 'from where' the perspective that I've been exposed to traces back to. Who are the teachers of my teachers? And, I'm a Krishnamacharya yogi, by nature. My first intro to yoga was in Hatha, my teacher training in Ashtanga Vinyasa, my second 200-hour in Hatha yoga, with a strong emphasis on Desikachar and the priniciples he incorporates. I've been fortunate to study - and hang out with - Leslie Kaminoff and love how he teaches from his Teacher. I've studied Ashtanga with both Davids, Williams and Swenson, so again, I've been fortunate. For those who know my love for vinyasa, my teachers have studied with Jois, Iyengar, we're all branches on the tree of Krishnamacharya yoga.
It feels authentic to me, it feels like more direct transmission, or perhaps in a poor metaphor, not like that telephone-line party game, where the message gets distorted through how many additional transmissions and by natural errors in transmission - teacher's or student's.
So, let me give thanks and praise for this weekend where I'm having the chance to learn to chant the sutras in the traditional style, and receiving great teachings, concept by concept, on the foundation text of our science. It's stunning, how simply the most complex concepts are crystallized and it is pleasing to give my consideration to it.
Study, and the message is discernment, clarity, and then right perception. Give thanks and praise.