It's about taking your time, being present, being in the moments, not only watching them happen and participating in the continuous manifestation, but also to begin to craft our way as co-creators. Where we actually guide and facilitate the manifestations that will serve.
Crazy, metaphysical, energetic, spiritual, intangible... those words often get used dismissively, and so we either 'don't go there', or we don't speak about them, or even allow our own instincts and inherent knowledge to become questionable.
But, I suggest to you, we are all making it up as we go along. And, we haven't had many great role models, or inspiring moments to uplift us. Rather, there is a tendency towards somnambulism and disconnection and nullification of thought through constant distraction and reinforced emptiness and need. It's rather shocking and depressing, or else it's a call to action and purpose.
Start really engaging. Start learning how to think rather than believe. Create experience to inform you, not theories. Participate in beneficial things, observe neutral things, oppose and decry malignant things. Not in hatred, just in being able to offer new ways of being.
We have to transform how people relate, how people interact around goods and services and value; how people are taken care of and how resources are taken care of. Proportionality - not socialism, but some kind of universally consistent and considerate standards that speak to how we exist in this finite world of resources, by tapping into our infinite pool of intelligence, creativity and love.
Big stuff, start small. Get nicer, to you, to your primary relationships, to those who oppose and drag you down, observe but don't participate. Make something greater, share something that you have, give freely and believe in abundance. I truly believe that the majority of folks who do hold the physical wealth in our world have such an impoverished mindset that they have disrupted the natural flow of energy, resources and care.
Let it go, let it flow, put your resources and your finances into growing, considerate and sustainable works; put your personal energy into making one little difference after another.
And, give thanks and praise.