First, and foremost, for whatever the detractors and haters might say, the Anusara community is exemplary at just that - being a community - Coming Together in Unity - the simplest, most direct translation, and the one at the heart of all of our practices, lineages and proclivities.
I also know these folks to be engaged, thoughtful, feeling and emotional - not in any way that might seem inappropriate - rather, they are sensate, experiencing the bhoga and the yoga, and finding their way, just as we are all. And, the test of the character of this community and its members is at its time of greatest conflict, adversity or confusion. I see beauty, grace, sensitivity and clarity exhibited in many of the individual's communications - it's en-heartening and a testament to the intention of tantra, as I understand it - to explore our shadows and shades, as well as our brightness and expansion - to embrace experience for what it is as it presents.
So, a friend of mine likened this as the PSU of the Yoga World (somewhat awkward, but apropos) - for all of the incredible work, the seeds planted that blossomed for so many individuals, the triumphs, the successes and the history, those members of the community are left to reconcile one individual's errant action(s) with the legacy of good, positivity and empowerment felt. It's a wrenching place to be in; and it's part of the eternal human struggle - to place faith and to, at times, reap disappointment, disenchantment and confusion.
Perhaps this is the great lesson, as simply put as can be - each of us are made of shadow and light... Each of us comes in our own way, on our own path, but as individuals to tame the ego, not destroy it; sometimes in the quest to share the teachings and inspire the students, we've each--either intentionally or unintentionally--basked in the admiration of the student. Yoga is a complex process, to teach and to learn. It's not without its hero-worship, its desire for 'deeper' connections, its adulation, its seductive power that enchants as teachers watch students transform during the practice. None are immune - that is why the teachers must each 'own' their shadows and be doing their own work on the path, so we remain inspirations, not burdens or hurdles or distractions.
There but for the Grace of Krishna go I - go each of us - in our own ways, with our own shades and our own failings. Embracing them and ensuring we are coming from a place of selflessness and service, not ego and glory - that's the teacher's quest.
Now, friends, I praise you and ask only one thing - extend this love, this consideration, this care and ability to reconcile righteous intention from errant action, extend it to all: to your family, your community, your work world, your detractors, your severed ties, and your self. For if Shri is not in this, then she is not at all.
Thanks and praise, you've all set a wonderful example of integrity and purpose... I am grateful for the vision shown!