As I like to ask, how is that waiting for things to get better thing going for you? Are things getting better just because you wait around, or have you found that putting a little bit of energy and intention into your day is giving you some purpose? That your purpose helps you create meaningful moments and that the sum total of engaging positively in manifesting the life around and in you just gets a little bit easier, and your life thereby, more satisfying?
I propose that it's all happening, with and without us. Unfortunately, if you've ever lost a loved one tragically or without warning, the world just keeps maddeningly rolling along, oblivious to our loss or gain. That's not to depress or diminish, that actually is part of my spiritual view - that death gives meaning to life, and that life is for the living to celebrate. WIth our without us, circles 'round the sun, on and on.
So, I see waiting around for things to get better is a pretty crazy gamble, especially since entropy and chaos are the winning forces in physics. But, imbuing purpose and meaning into moments, creating intentional momentum and having goals; maybe not hard-fast and steady goals that are empirical, but rather goals of the heart, and then doing the work for the work's sake, not the end result.
Practice that rare detachment that allows you to care enough to give all of your effort, but also surrender to what will occur. Knowing the work itself is sometimes greater and more subtle service than the outcome may ever be.
Rather than waiting, use what is in you, around you, in front of you. What can you do, today, with what you know - be more firm, be more kind, be more loving, be more discerning? Serve, give, receive, learn, teach?? Not when you think you are ready, but when you can which is the same now as you are currently hearing these words in your head in. Move into the action, move into the space - see what presents. Greet it, meet it, don't think you have to bet it.
Most folks on their deathbed regret exactly the same things: not saying 'I love you' more, not taking the chances, and 'waiting' rather than living. So, get your living on - when you meet new folks and they ask you what you do for a living, reply "LIVE!"
And, give thanks and praise - make a bold beginning today!